The ayurvedic massage is a type of oil massage that pampers the whole body through touch to achieve physical, mental and emotional benefits. It relieves specific pains, acts as a preventative medicine, increases circulation and activates the lymphatic system, revitalises the body, relieves stress and generates positive emotions making us feel both physically and mentally better.
Our massages in Artà
Our massages in Artà
Ayurveda massage
Relaxing massage
At the Sury Saray Beauty Salon in Mallorca you can find manual therapy aimed at improving the well-being of the person by increasing the production of endorphins in the body by always prioritising gentle manipulations to achieve a state of mental relaxation, the relief of stress, anxiety and daily tensions.
Ayurveda massage
The ayurvedic massage is a type of oil massage that pampers the whole body through touch to achieve physical, mental and emotional benefits. It relieves specific pains, acts as a preventative medicine, increases circulation and activates the lymphatic system, revitalises the body, relieves stress and generates positive emotions making us feel both physically and mentally better.
Relaxing massage
At the Sury Saray Beauty Salon in Mallorca you can find manual therapy aimed at improving the well-being of the person by increasing the production of endorphins in the body by always prioritising gentle manipulations to achieve a state of mental relaxation, the relief of stress, anxiety and daily tensions.
Decontracting massage with Radiofrequency
This massage works the entire back and cervical area with Medestec radiofrequency. It is a treatment that covers the back, especially focusing on the lumbar, dorsal, and cervical areas, relieving muscle tensions throughout the area. Through slow and enveloping movements, we will provide oxygenation to the tissues and improve drainage and muscle contractures in the area, offering a pleasant sensation.
• Analgesic effect and tissue cell regeneration.
• Promotes better rest.
• Relaxes the whole body and provides immediate well-being.
• Analgesic effect and tissue cell regeneration.
• Promotes better rest.
• Relaxes the whole body and provides immediate well-being.
Decontracting massage with Radiofrequency
This massage works the entire back and cervical area with Medestec radiofrequency. It is a treatment that covers the back, especially focusing on the lumbar, dorsal, and cervical areas, relieving muscle tensions throughout the area. Through slow and enveloping movements, we will provide oxygenation to the tissues and improve drainage and muscle contractures in the area, offering a pleasant sensation.
• Analgesic effect and tissue cell regeneration.
• Promotes better rest.
• Relaxes the whole body and provides immediate well-being.
• Analgesic effect and tissue cell regeneration.
• Promotes better rest.
• Relaxes the whole body and provides immediate well-being.
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